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Maintenance of Heat Exchanger in Closed Cooling To

Maintenance of Heat Exchanger in Closed Cooling To

During the use of closed tower, attention should be paid to observation and timely maintenance so as to ensure cooling effect, safe operation and prolong service life. In the aspect of heat exchanger tubes, attention should be paid to:1. Scaling Mechanism and Solution of Heat Exchange PipeReasons: Water accumulated in the sprinkler tank needs to be replaced in time. Because the closed cooling tower relies on water evaporation to absorb latent heat of vaporization to reduce the fluid temperature in the pipe from the surface, the sprinkler water will evaporate continuously, the scale ions will concentrate continuously, the concentration will increase continuously, and beyond its saturation, it will crystallize and precipitate. It will be attached to the heat exchanger pipe, the inner wall of the sprinkler tank, the sprinkler pump, the inner part of the pipe, etc. With the continuous increase, the cooling effect is affected. In the long run, the cooling capacity is reduced, and ultimately can not meet the production requirements. In serious cases, only the heat exchanger coil will be replaced, resulting in a great waste of money and time.Treatment: Weekly regular cleaning of sprinkler tank, and water quality replacement, artificial interference to reduce concentration, although troublesome, but simple and reliable, the effect is obvious. Oasis ice peak equipment bottom tank sprayed with the words "sprinkler tank, weekly cleaning", hope that managers and job operators, attention, regular cleaning.2. Cooling effectThe heat energy of the closed cooling tower is emitted by the fluid in the tube through the tube wall, and the water sprayed outside the tube wall forms a water film, which is evaporated into gas. The water evaporates into gas from the liquid, absorbs the latent heat of vaporization and takes away the heat. The fan evaporates the water out of the tower.The heat transfer coefficient is determined by the material, thickness, scaling coefficient, convection coefficient, wind speed, inlet temperature, air humidity and other factors. The larger the heat transfer coefficient, the better the cooling effect. After scaling, the scaling coefficient is affected, that is to say, a thick layer of insulation material is added on the outer wall of the tube, which greatly reduces the heat transfer performance, reduces the heat transfer to the outside, prevents the heat energy of the internal fluid from being discharged in time, and the cooling can not achieve the desired effect of the design, and the outlet water temperature rises, which can not meet the production process requirements in serious cases.3. Post-treatment of scaling1) When slight, acid pickling method can be used. Copper tubes are often used in ice peak closed cooling towers to improve heat transfer performance. Copper reacts with acid chemically.Cu+H2SO4=CuSO4+H2Therefore, when pickling, the concentration of reasonable proportion to prevent copper pipe corrosion leakage; cleaning time, to grasp the reasonable length; specific operation, need to communicate with chemical raw material suppliers, indicating that there are copper tubes, there are carbon tube materials, to determine the proportion and cleaning time;2) In serious cases, the heat exchanger tube can be dismantled and placed in the air for less than 8 hours, then the outer shell of the tower can be opened at the end of the heat exchanger and the heat exchanger shell can be drawn out at the end of the heat exchanger after opening the front tube mouth of the heat exchanger, taking full account of the convenience of maintenance in the design of the iceberg closed tower. After cleaning, the coil is carefully put back and sealed with sealant. The screw is firm enough.3) In very serious cases, only the replacement of heat exchanger coils has the advantages of high cost, low efficiency and long cycle. More
Classification of Closed Cooling Towers

Classification of Closed Cooling Towers

According to the direction of flow and wind, it can be divided into counter-flow closed cooling tower, cross-flow closed cooling tower and mixed-flow closed cooling tower.According to the shell material, it can be divided into: closed cooling tower of galvanized steel sheet, closed cooling tower of galvanized steel sheet, closed cooling tower of stainless steel, closed cooling tower of FRP, etc.According to the different material of heat exchanger, it can be divided into copper tube closed cooling tower, stainless steel tube closed cooling tower, carbon steel tube closed cooling tower, titanium tube closed cooling tower, aluminum tube closed cooling tower, etc.According to the type of fan, it can be divided into two types: induced draft closed cooling tower and blast closed cooling tower. More